Sunday, April 27, 2014

Field Trip to the Pond!

We were off on a field trip on Friday!  What a great way to end our unit on taking care of the earth! The children were able to enjoy so much of nature and also pick up some trash that were scattered throughout the woods!

 Our first stop was to look at the stick house that one of the three little pigs created!

 Through the tunnel and onto the pond!

 Taking a few minutes to look at a natural spring near the pond and we also saw some marsh plants that are starting to grow!

After hiking around the pond, we stopped to roll over a few logs to check out the nature underneath!

 Getting ready to hike back to the bus!

On our hike back we discovered some bones! Most students thought they were dinosaur bones, but then we learned that they were deer bones!

 Taking a moment to hear a tall tale about kids that didn't not listen when they were on a field trip with Mr. Williams!

 Final stop...time to feed the fish some worms that we dug up in the garden!

We had a great time! But it was very exhausting!  The kids were tuckered out when we got back to school!

Visiting Chicks

On Tuesday we had some special visitors in our classroom!  Elizabeth's family was able to bring in a few baby chicks for us to look at and touch!  This was a perfect follow up activity to our egg unit that we had just completed!  The kiddos had some great questions about the baby chicks and enjoyed having them visit!  Thank you so much to Elizabeth's family for taking the time to bring them in!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

3-D Shapes and Raindrops!

In math this week we are reviewing the shapes, both 2-D and 3-D!  During our whole group time we went on a shape hunt and discovered that no matter how big or how small a shape is, it is still the same shape depending on its sides and corners!  We also looked at 3-D shapes and discovered that the faces on 3-D shapes are 2-D!  Below are a few photos of our exploration of this concept!

During our weather study today we made it rain!  The kiddos were given a cup of water with shaving cream (aka: a cloud)  on the top.  They then added drops of colored water onto the "cloud" until it became so started to rain!!!  The kids loved this experiment!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Clouds in the Sky!

Our unit of study this week is all about the weather!  Today we read about clouds and how they are a part of the water cycle.  We have read stories about clouds and talked about water vapor and how the droplets create a cloud.  We did a science experiment today to see what water vapor is and how it is created!  Below is one photo of that experiment!

 We also completed a project that went along with our cloud book: It Looked Like Spilt Milk.  The children did some squish painting and then had to look at the painting to see what it looked like.  We are going to use the pages to create our own classroom version of the book, It Looked Like Spilt Milk.